Perform Hajj for loved ones.
Perform Hajj on behalf of loved ones who are unable to perform Hajj themselves.”
Book our service today and make a lasting impact for generations to come.
Hajj service
إن الحج المبرور ليس له جزاء إلا الجنة
“Verily, the accepted Hajj has no reward but Paradise.” Sahih al-Bukhari
Performing Hajj on behalf of a loved one is a blessed act that carries immense rewards. Our team of experienced shaykhs and students of knowledge are here to offer this service for your family member.
Show your love and respect for those who are no longer with us.

Hajj package
Included in our Hajj service package are:
– Performance of the Hajj rituals on behalf of your loved one
– A detailed video report of the Hajj rituals performed on behalf of your loved one
– A certificate to commemorate the completion of the Hajj on behalf of your loved one.
*Please note that we are not a travel agency and do not provide round-trip airfare or accommodation. Our team will take care of all necessary expenses for the Hajj, including travel fees, food, and accommodation for our workers.
Book Hajj
Fill out the form to book our Hajj service on behalf of your sick or deceased loved ones.

“وَإِنَّ اللَّهَ رَفِيقٌ يُحِبُّ الرِّفْقَ فِي الْأَمْرِ كُلِّهِ”
“Verily, Allah is gentle and loves gentleness in all things.” (Sahih Bukhari)
Kindness and compassion are core values in Islam, and this Hadith emphasizes the importance of being gentle and kind in all aspects of our lives. Whether it’s dealing with other people, animals, or even the environment, we should strive to approach everything with gentleness and compassion. By embodying this trait, we can become better Muslims and contribute positively to the world around us.
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